Friday, November 21, 2014

Placenta Previa, Accreta, Increta, Percreta

I had no idea what this year had in store for me!  After my ultrasound in December and finding out I had a partial previa, I anxiously waited 6 weeks to see if it moved out of the way and up!  The placenta was implanted over my csection scar, anterior and a part of it was over the os which is the cervix or way out!  I had never heard of this before and after googling and researching the crap out of previa and accreta I was scared.  The MFM told me that they would watch for accreta, where the placenta grows through the lining of the uterus, usually where the csection scar is but it could happen with no scar, in future appts.  So the time came for the next appt and I took Eric.  My placenta had indeed stayed and got worse, a full previa and the line between the uterus and the placenta got blurred, a suspected accreta. How could this possibly happen?  I spent the first 4 months of this pregnancy looking for a supportive 2vba2c and I had found one and now this??  How can someone who has unbelievably beautifull fast births have this happen :(  Another csection and possibly a csection hysterectomy!  All I could think of from my past was hearing my midwife say I had scant bleeding after my hbac, I was build to have babies and my surgeon with my breech tell me I hardly had scar tissue!  What the hell!!!  Over the next few weeks I was on pins and needles hoping beyond hope this placenta would move as my belly grew, and this would be a non issue by the next appt.  That didn't happen.  Instead, it got worse and they scheduled an MRI to rule out a percreta which is when the placenta grows out into and beyond the uterus and in my case into my bladder!  I was in disbelief.  I had no bleeding or spotting.  I had no symptoms!  I was quite lucky as a lot of woman with this condition bleed and gush and spot throughout the pregnancy.  I was on pelvic rest and taking it easy.  Not an easy task for a mom of 5!  My MRI showed I had a probable (not 100%) accreta, but I still held out hope!  They told me my csection would most likely happen around 34-35 weeks and to expect NICU time of around 2 weeks for the baby!  THE BABY.. geez here we are having a baby girl and no one knew until around 22 weeks and we couldn't celebrate because of the gloom and doom of the pregnancy.  She was at risk and I was at risk and if I had a bleed it could be bad bad bad bad for both of us :(  Happy last pregnancy!  I think I'll blog more about this later!

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