Saturday, September 1, 2012

The garden!

This year we built raised beds and attempted square foot gardening! We had loads of tomatoes, peppers, kale, herbs, and my new found favorite garden plant.. Lemon Verbena! Oh the scent! I planted three lavender plants. Hopefully they will come back next year. I finally planted all 10 of our blueberry bushes. May their roots run deep and wide!
Eric building the beds
A little Liam imp eating grape tomatoes!
He looks like a cabbage patch doll he is so cute! In the Lemongrass..
 Those are my Dill seeds up close! Straw walkways worked out nicely!
The End!

Littles room redo!

Building bunkbeds, a Quinn bed, closet redo and painting! We aren't finished yet..but this is what we have so far!

Michael's graduation!

Michael graduated from HS...and moved to NY.. He was missed all summer :(

Summertime catch up 5

Park time and friends!

Summertime catch up 4

Boys adventures..

Catching up 3

New hair, lovely faces!